Meet Aditya!

A Computer Science Undergraduate student. He knows Machine Learning, Deep Learning and is a Web Developer and an Android Developer


Who am I?

I am Aditya. I'm a Sophomore student pursuing Engineering. I have always been intrigued by the Science & Technology. I'm an autodidact for the most part of my life. In my childhood I used to wonder whether is it possible to find an equation for life and predict things like we do in analytical geometry. I'm glad to have found that indeed it is possible using Machine learning and Deep learning.

I love building functional things. I build apps, websites and I use my Machine Learning skills to get beautiful insights from the data and predict things.

I am not a movie freak. In my leisure time I read books on Human evolution, psychology, money and productivity. I love to constantly upskill myself and push my limits.

Motto of my life is JUST DO IT!


SASTRA University, Thanjavur

B.Tech in Information Technology


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Isha Vidhya school, Vanavasi, Salem Dt

10th - 95%
12th - 90%


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Developer Community Sastra

- Android and ML



Events & Operation, Marketing



Core Team Member - SoC


GirlScript Summer of Code


Feb 2022-Apr 2022


Face Generation using Variational Autoendcoder

Generating artificial faces

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Meme Generator - API integration

Meme generating Website

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Reconstruction of Images using Autoencoders

reconstructing the noisy images

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Covid-19 Detection using CNN

Multiclass Classification

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Covisense - Covid Detection App

An app to detect covid-19

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Brain Tumor Segmentation using Transfer Learning

Brain tumor Segmentation

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Snake Game

classic snake game

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AdiHelps App

Women Safety app

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Vidhya App

Educational App

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Car Parking System

Efficent car parking system for one way entry/exit.

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Flappy Bird Game

Classic Flappy bird web game which can be played in browser

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Lyrics Generator Website

fetches the lyrics for the searched song from an API

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Technical Worskshops

We the Developer Community Sastra Team conducted series of technical workshops called DevDays'22 between the month of Apr 2022 - June 2022. We taught various techstacks like Android, Frontend, Backend, Git, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AR/VR, UI/UX, FLutter, Machine Learning Integration & application and Devops. I and my teammates from the Android cluster conducted the Android workshop. We started off our workshop from the scratch starting from why Android?, Java basics, Layouts and went on to build a fully functional app. I also conducted the Machine Learning integration & Application Workshop. In the first part, we taught how to build a model from scratch?, How to compress the model into tflite file and integrate it with an android application. In the second part we taught how to build an API for the model using Flask. All the workshops had 50+ participants and we got amazing response from the participants. I had an immense learning experience and was a great opportunity for me to share my knowledge with the students.



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